

BaseLib.copy Copy this object into a new object of the same type.
BaseLib.glyph The lib’s parent glyph.
BaseLib.font The lib’s parent font.
BaseLib.__len__ Returns the number of keys in Lib as an int..
BaseLib.keys Returns a list of all the key names in Lib.
BaseLib.items Returns a list of tuple of each key name and key items.
BaseLib.values Returns a list of each named key’s members.
BaseLib.__contains__ Tests to see if a lib name is in the Lib.
BaseLib.__setitem__ Sets the key to the list of items.
BaseLib.__getitem__ Returns the contents of the named lib.
BaseLib.get Returns the contents of the named key.
BaseLib.__delitem__ Removes key from the Lib.
BaseLib.pop Removes the key from the Lib and returns the list of key members.
BaseLib.__iter__ Iterates through the Lib, giving the key for each iteration.
BaseLib.update Updates the Lib based on otherLib.
BaseLib.clear Removes all keys from Lib, resetting the Lib to an empty dictionary.
BaseLib.naked Return the environment’s native object that has been wrapped by this object.
BaseLib.changed Tell the environment that something has changed in the object.


class fontParts.base.BaseLib(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A Lib object. This object normally created as part of a BaseFont. An orphan Lib object can be created like this:

>>> lib = RLib()

This object behaves like a Python dictionary. Most of the dictionary functionality comes from BaseDict, look at that object for the required environment implementation details.

Lib uses normalizers.normalizeLibKey to normalize the key of the dict, and normalizers.normalizeLibValue to normalize the value of the dict.



Copy this object into a new object of the same type. The returned object will not have a parent object.



The lib’s parent glyph.


The lib’s parent font.



Returns the number of keys in Lib as an int.:

>>> len(font.lib)

Returns a list of all the key names in Lib. This list will be unordered.:

>>> font.lib.keys()
["public.glyphOrder", "org.robofab.scripts.SomeData",

Returns a list of tuple of each key name and key items. Keys are String and key members are a list of String. The initial list will be unordered.

>>> font.lib.items()
[("public.glyphOrder", ["A", "B", "C"]),
 ("public.postscriptNames", {'be': 'uni0431', 'ze': 'uni0437'})]

Returns a list of each named key’s members. This will be a list of lists, the key members will be a list of String. The initial list will be unordered.

>>> font.lib.items()
[["A", "B", "C"], {'be': 'uni0431', 'ze': 'uni0437'}]

Tests to see if a lib name is in the Lib. key will be a String. This returns a bool indicating if the key is in the Lib.

>>> "public.glyphOrder" in font.lib
BaseLib.__setitem__(key, items)[source]

Sets the key to the list of items. key is the lib name as a String and items is a list of items as String.

>>> font.lib["public.glyphOrder"] = ["A", "B", "C"]

Returns the contents of the named lib. key is a String. The returned value will be a list of the lib contents.:

>>> font.lib["public.glyphOrder"]
["A", "B", "C"]

It is important to understand that any changes to the returned lib contents will not be reflected in the Lib object. If one wants to make a change to the lib contents, one should do the following:

>>> lib = font.lib["public.glyphOrder"]
>>> lib.remove("A")
>>> font.lib["public.glyphOrder"] = lib
BaseLib.get(key, default=None)[source]

Returns the contents of the named key. key is a String, and the returned values will either be list of key contents or None if no key was found.

>>> font.lib["public.glyphOrder"]
["A", "B", "C"]

It is important to understand that any changes to the returned key contents will not be reflected in the Lib object. If one wants to make a change to the key contents, one should do the following:

>>> lib = font.lib["public.glyphOrder"]
>>> lib.remove("A")
>>> font.lib["public.glyphOrder"] = lib

Removes key from the Lib. key is a String.:

>>> del font.lib["public.glyphOrder"]
BaseLib.pop(key, default=None)[source]

Removes the key from the Lib and returns the list of key members. If no key is found, default is returned. key is a String. This must return either default or a list of items as String.

>>> font.lib.pop("public.glyphOrder")
["A", "B", "C"]

Iterates through the Lib, giving the key for each iteration. The order that the Lib will iterate though is not fixed nor is it ordered.:

>>> for key in font.lib:
>>>     print key

Updates the Lib based on otherLib. otherLib* is a dict of keys. If a key from otherLib is in Lib the key members will be replaced by the key members from otherLib. If a key from otherLib is not in the Lib, it is added to the Lib. If Lib contain a key name that is not in otherLib*, it is not changed.

>>> font.lib.update(newLib)

Removes all keys from Lib, resetting the Lib to an empty dictionary.

>>> font.lib.clear()



Return the environment’s native object that has been wrapped by this object.

>>> loweLevelObj = obj.naked()
BaseLib.changed(*args, **kwargs)

Tell the environment that something has changed in the object. The behavior of this method will vary from environment to environment.

>>> obj.changed()